Welcome to Web Foundations & Introduction
Over the first week we were told about our VMs and how to access them.
We also were introduced to the unit, how marks were given, and what we would learn.
Introduction to markup
This lesson covered basic HTML Layout, and how URIs (Uniform Resource Locators worked). We were able to make a very basic web-page on our VMs that we any anyone on campus could access.
Separating form and content
Before HTML5, Form and Content could be placed on the same document.
Form is the layout of the web-page and how it appears to the user, for example, colours, text-font, positions, and basic animations.
Content is the actual "meat" of the website, and what the user came to the site to see. (Usually text).
Now with HTML5, while this is still possible in the same document, it is not recommended. By seperating it, you make it easier to write. Say you want to apply a new style to your website, because the content is seperated from the style, you only have to update the style once, and you are done. Previously, you would have to update the styles in each page (file) of your website.
The Literature Review
The next few weeks were about our literature review, what was expected from it, how to do it, best practices and other information such as how to reference.
My literature review can be found Here.