En O(1) De(static head) O(n) De(Dynamic head) O(1)
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Data Structure
Collection of elements
et of associations or relationships
Abstract data type
Input and output data and query object
Do not care what happens inside
Cannot directly access the data inside
Uses getters and setters
High level decodeion vs concrete decodeion
Focus on what is can do vs focus on how it manages it
Independent implementation vs dependant implementation
Unique predecessor and unique successor
Lists, queues stacks
Unique predecessor and many successors
Many predecessors and many successors
Mesh, web, network
Set structure
No order hence no predecessors and no successors
Group of people
Choosing DS
Analyse the problem
Determine the basic operations
Pick the data structure
Stacks and Queues
Data Structures:
A programatic way of storing data so that it can be used efficently by the program
Abastract Data Type:
A Mathmatical model for a data types (Stack, Queue, Graph)
(An Application that uses an ADT is not concerned how the data is stored, and the abstract data type is not concerned how the application uses it.)
Like an array, but data that is sent to the array gets added to the end, and you can only acess the last element in the array (first in, last out)
Works like a pile of dirty dishes, most recent gets cleaned first.
Like an array, but data that is sent to the array gets added to the end, and you can only acess the first element in the array (first in, first out)
This works like a queue in normal life (eg, at a cafe)