Shutter Speed Comparisons
The Exposure usualy relates to the time the cameras sensor (or film if you're old school) is exposed to light.
This means the longer the time value, the more light hits the sensor, so the brighter the image. The following show the difference that changing the shutter speed will have on your photos.
To keep the exposure the same, Each photo has had the ISO value altered.
The first photo is darker anyway because my camera can't handle ISO values above 128,000.
Photos were taken in an averagley lit room, settings are stated below (in order)
1/4000th seconds (0.25ms), 12,800iso
1/2000th seconds, (0.5ms), 12,800iso
1/1000th seconds, (1ms), 6,400iso
1/500th seconds, (2ms), 5,000iso
1/250th seconds, (4ms), 2,500iso
1/125th seconds, (8ms), 1,250iso
1/60th seconds, (16.67ms), 640iso
1/30th seconds, (33.33ms), 320iso
1/15th seconds, (66.67ms), 160iso
All photos use mildly a-little-bit-speedy aperture of f4
You can Click the image above for a full-size version (warning, quite big!)
1/1000 seconds
1/500 seconds
1/250 seconds
1/125 seconds
1/60 seconds
1/30 seconds
1/15 seconds